Friday, January 24, 2014

Moist Chocolate Cake

Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Mengasihani


Aritu Yana dah share Cheese Cake.. rini Yana nak share resipi utk Moist Choc Cake.. Yana dapat resepi ni pun dari sepupu sebenarnye.. pastu macam bese ubah2 sikit then letak toping..

Ada dua cara untuk buat Moist Choc Cake ni..

Cara Pertama  (Cara ni utk nampak kek tu jadi gebu dan rasa lembut)

Bahan A 2 cawan tepung gandum 1 cawan (koko, milo, minyak masak, susu pekat, air panas mendidih, gula) 1 sudu teh (soda bikarbonat n baking powder) 4 biji telur
bahan B (toping) 2 sudu besar marjerin 2 sudu besar susu pekat stengah cawan koko 5 sudu air panas mendidih
  • Pukul telur dengan gula sampai kembang.
  • Masukkan minyak masak (kalau nak sedap lagi buh minyak jagung), susu pekat, dan air panas mendidih. Pukul dengan perlahan.
  • Masukkan tepung gandum, soda bikarbonat, baking powder yang telah diayak. Kemudian masukkan milo. Pukul lagi perlahan sehingga rata.
  • Kemudian masukkan adunan dalam acuan. Kemudian kukus selama 30 minit (sehingga masak)
  • Sementara menunggu adunan dikukus, sediakan bahan B. Campurkan semua bahan B dalam satu bekas. Kemudian masakkan campuran bahan B dengan menggunakan kaedah double boiling. (Letak bekas tersebut atas kuali yang diisi air). Kacau sehingga licin.
  • Setelah kek siap dikukus, biarkan sehingga sejuk. Kemudian curahkan bahan B yang telah dimasak tadi ke atas kek tersebut.
Untuk cara kedua (untuk kek nampak padat)

Bezanya kat bahagian A je. Campurkan semua bahan A dalam bekas. Pukul sehingga sebati.
Steps lain sama seperti cara pertama.. :)

Dah siap keknya.. Ini hasilnya.. Dalam gambar ni Yana letak corak sekali pakai toping margerine macam kat Chesse Cake. Baru nmpk menyerlah.. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Cheese Cake

Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Mengasihani

Assalmualaikum.. Kali ni Yana nak kongsi resipi lagi.. Cheese Cake.. dapat resipi ni dr buku Chef Wan.. tajuknye 'Juadah Manisan Istimewa Chef Wan' terbitan times. Yana cume tambah topping je..


4 cawan biskut marie (dihancurkan)
1/2 cawan gula serbuk
1 cawan walnut (cincang kasar)
1/2 cawan mentega (dicairkan)

3 sudu besar tepung kastard
3 sudu besar air
445g keju krim
1 1/2 cawan gula halus
secubit garam
1 sudu teh esen vanilla
1 sudu besar jus lemon
2 cawan tairu (yana guna yogurt)
6 biji telur (diasingkan kuning daripada putihnya)
1 sudu teh kulit lemon

2 cawan margerine
1/2 cawan gula


  • Mula2 kita settlekan base nye dulu k... Campur semua bahan base tu. Ratakan dan tekan adunan di dasar acuan. Bakar selama 15 minit.
  • Sementara tu bancuh tepung kastard ngan air.. then masukkan keju krim dan gula dan pukul sampai gebu. Pastu campur garam, esen vanilla dan jus lemon dan pukul lagi sampai tidak berbintil2.. 
  • Masukkan yogurt, kuning telur dan kulit lemon. Pukul telur dalam mangkuk lain sampai kembang dan masukkan sedikit demi sedikit dalam adunan keju tadi. kaup dan balikkan rata-rata. Tuang kedalam base tadi. Bakar selama 1 jam.. 
  • Then biarkan kek keju di dalam ketuhar sedikit selama sejam. pastu msukkn dlm peti ais..
  • Kalau nak nampak menarik lagi.. letakkan topping kat kek tu.. pukul margerine ngan gula smpai putih n kembang n berkrim.. :) gula tu bleh tmbh kalau nk lg manis.. bleh kurgkan kalau nk kurg manis.. 

Pasni yana share moist choc cake n yogurt cake plak

Monday, August 19, 2013

Save Money to Perform your Hajj

Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Mengasihani


Alright dear. Today I would like to share to you on how to save your money in a small amount a day to perform your Hajj..

Have you registered your Hajj in Tabung Haji? If Yes, Alhamdulillah and congratulation and start to save your money in I-GREAT AMAL  Account. If you have not yet registered in Tabung Haji, you are recommended to save your money in I-GREAT AMAL Account and please register your Hajj at Tabung Haji.

In a Great Eastern Takaful, there is one account that is call as I-GREAT AMAL Account. This account is useful for us to save money as low as RM 2 a day  for about 10 to 20 years and  you may perform Hajj. No interest, Gharar, Riba in this account. Dijamin Halal..

Then, you just imagine that, if you save your money for RM 2 a day, its become RM 60 a month, then for a year it become RM 720. If you save your money for 10 years, it becomes RM 7200. Wow. Beside saving, you will also get :-

  • Protection for your Life (either if you dead or if you have disability during the time of your saving or the time you performing your Hajj) 
  • Pocket Money for you to perform your Hajj (Max  RM 2000)
  • Badal Haji (Upah Haji) for you if you do not have a chance to perform Hajj
  • Khairat Kematian  (RM 2000)
  • Korban Benefit for RM 500
As easy as that right. So, start to save your money in I-GREAT AMAL Account and perform your Hajj without uncertainty. 

If you have any inquiries about I-GREAT AMAL Account or 
If you interested to save your money in I-GREAT AMAL Account, 
please do not hesitate to call me:

Lyana Mastura Zainal Abidin

Friday, August 2, 2013

How to Save and Protect our Income

Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Mengasihani


Today I would like to share you about my internship.. Wau, after I finished all the exams required, now I'm dealing with Income Protection.. Alright, it sound serious right. :) Have you ever think how to save money until hundred thousand ringgit? There is a way. Yeah, from the time now, I'll help you how to protect your income.

What is Income Protection?
Let take it simple. It is a SAVING PLAN. Every one of us will have to save money for future right?
alright, where is the place u save the money? Home? Bank? Is it easy for you to cash out the money back? If it easy, how come u can protect your life in the future if all the money has been utilized? It is not wrong for u to save money at the bank cause u can buy anything u want if the money dah cukup. However, you must at least have another way to save money for your own and your family life.

Alright, from other situation, let say if u accident, tak kisah lar kereta ke, or you tiba2 sakit ke, then u have to be hospitalized, which hospital would u prefer? kerajaan? swasta? 4 sure u nak swasta kan... :) I pun mcm tu gak. So, how u nak cari duit banyak2 tu? Even hospital kerajaan pun ada bayaran jugak kan.

Sure u cakap medical card company kan ada? 4 sure lar company will take care of it. Okey.. boleh terima alasan tu. But, sampai bila you nak kerja ngan company tu? is it until the end of your life? The medical card of the company will get expired if u berhenti kerja or retired from that company.

Alright, another situation pulak, if U dah kahwin kan sekarang ni, U ada children, how will u sure that your money akan cukup untuk tanggung semua perbelanjaan anak-anak you if they get an offer to university or college? Duit-duit simpanan u jugak yang berguna nanti. How would u ensure that duit simpanan yang u simpan untuk anak2 you tu, you tak gunakan??

Another situation lagi. (hehe.. suka sangat bagi situation cos u boleh nampak nanti betapa penting nya simpan duit). Situation ni sangat penting coz it involve our rukun Islam yang kelima iaitu menunaikan Haji di Mekah.. Okey.. Tabung Haji ada... Boleh je pergi haji.. Plz let me know berapa ramai yang dh daftar untuk pergi haji sekarang ni? Especially yang muda2 nie... hoho.. daftar lambat, lambat lar u all pergi haji... Until your age 60 baru dapat pergi Haji.. hoho..

Alright, ni last situation. (Actually byk situation yang perlu kita fikirkan untuk menabung ni tp I know that u all sume can think it by your own). Let say, if U died,  what will you leave to your family or your loves or even your parents? How other people can leave lot of money to their heirs?

So, these are all about Takaful. If u involve in Takaful, u will have better life in your future. However, banyak orang Melayu kita yang masih tidak sedar betapa pentingnya Takaful. So, here I would like to stress to you that Takaful is very important to our life. Please ensure that your life is protected by Takaful. Save your income in Takaful Plan.Yeah! Better Takaful because it is Shariah Compliance.

If you interested to know more about Takaful, just contact me at 0132263814 (whatsapp also can) or u can even pm me on facebook 'Lyana Mastura Zainal Abidin' or email me at

I'll try my best to help you to choose the Takaful plan to protect your life and your income :)

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Internship Started

Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Mengasihani


Great Eastern Takaful is the company. I join internship here. Great Eastern is the top company of insurance industry. Huh.. B4 I get the offer, I went through interview session at Great Eastern's HQ at Ampang near Great Eastern Mall.. Now, my internship is in Wangsa Maju.

At first, I thought that the internship is just like my senior students that had gone through which they were given the task of key in data, photocopy, and finish up all other people works that need to submit. But, it is totally wrong. Internship students at this company will gain a lot of experiences in finishing their own work. Students will be given assignments or projects that need to be done in real work environment. This experience will make students build up their soft skill and be ready for the real work environment.

But, I'm not yet get the assignments. So, all things that I have to do rite now at the office is just study and study. Thz is bcoz I have to take the insurance exam first b4 start all the assignments given. So, my exam will be on 26 July.

Please pray 4 me dear. :)

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Mengasihani


Innalillahhiwainnailaihirojiun.. yesterday, I got sms from my best friend that told me one of our fren from SMAD Klana has passed away. He was namely as Firdaus Azmi. Salam takziah kepada keluarga arwah. Yeah.. bcoz of this news, I teringat kat sorang lagi my friend yang telah pergi mengadap Illahi that from SMAD Klana too. It's too sad now..

Until now, I couldn't forget about the last msg from arwah Ayuni on facebook that really missed me and wanted to meet me before she passed away.. But, I didnt call her at all, I sempat kluar ngan kawan2 laen, tp x sempat kluar ngan die. The time I went out with my other friends, I didnt know that she admitted to hospital. Until one night before she died, I got msg from my best fren told me that she admitted and when I called her phone, she didnt pick up. Until, I got phone call saying that 'she has passed away several hour ago' It was too sad. How bad I am. She was the one who were always be on my side when I have a problem at school from primary until lower form of my secondary school. Her sitting was beside me when we were in SMAD Klana.

Sbb kan benda ni, I mogok x nak kluar berjalan raya during Hari Raya Aidilfitri dengan kawan2 time 2 coz at that time, I still cannot forgive myself. But now, I know that, yang pergi biarkan ia pergi. Kita yang masih hidup teruskan kehidupan. Walau besar mana pun rasa serba salah 2, yang dah pergi tetap tidak akan kembali lagi. Semoga roh arwah Ayuni and arwah Firdaus Azmi dicucuri rahmat. AL-FATIHAH...

Yeah, I still have friends. If I type their names here, it will not be fair if there are my friends who are not listed. But, those my frens will know who always beside me whether in schools or university. I love u guys. :)

Monday, January 28, 2013

Majoring in Marketing

Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Mengasihani

Ya Allah! I'm Back.. Hello my fren.. Hye...

Lebih kurang stahun aku x update kan.. nak cakap ade orang yang rindu tgok blog aku updated mmg x lar kan.. Byk benda yang jadi kat diri aku spanjang stahun tu..

Tak apa. Biar aku ringkaskan.. For your information, now, I'm majoring in Business Administration (Marketing). Cita-cita nak major accounting tu mmg x dpt lar.. x layak... dan kata yang mudah sekali.. dah penat mangadap akaun. Why I choose Marketing? Hoho.. It's begin when I join ENACTUS or sebelum ni dikenali sebagai SIFE. Nanti post akan datang, aku explain Enactus ni apa k.

Still x habis belajar lagi... Ada lagi setahun.. InsyaAllah... doakan aku ye... Insya Allah bulan enam ni, aku dah mula praktikal... so, mengharap juga drpd doa sahabat-sahabat semua supaya dapat lar cari tempat-tempat praktikal yang berkaitan dengan bidang aku.

That's all ..
C U next post :)